in wonder coaching leadership development coaching

1 on 1 Leadership Development Coaching

In today’s business environment, the pressure to perform, innovate, adapt and change can be relentless.

Navigating this landscape is not easy and as a leader, if you struggle with self-doubt, perfectionism or a tendency for people pleasing, it can feel both frustrating and overwhelming.

You may have even lost your way and have no sense of direction or purpose in your career.

You know how important it is to nurture and develop your team, but your day job feels relentless, and no sooner have you completed one piece of work, dozens more lie in its wake. 

You’re spinning a lot of plates and pretending everything is ok, but the constant pressure and stress is taking a toll on your health and personal life. It’s also starting to impact how you communicate with those around you. You’re feeling defensive all the time and getting really annoyed at small things which wouldn’t normally bother you.

This is not the type of leader you thought you’d be!

When you have time to think, usually on holiday, you dream about quitting as this seems like the only option, but you have other priorities and responsibilities to consider.

You’ve tried speaking to your boss, but you weren’t completely honest because you didn’t want her to think you were weak and not up for the job. She recommended a training course to help you prioritise better – you get the sense she doesn’t want to hear your problems. 

You’ve confided in your colleagues and whilst they sympathise, they don’t seem to be experiencing the same issues.  Or if they are, it’s not affecting them in the same way, which makes you feel the problem is you. You’ve read a leadership book someone recommended and whilst it offered some good general tips, it didn’t really address your specific situation.

You’ve now got to the point where you don’t care anymore and refuse to let work absorb any more of your time, when in reality it’s all you ever think about.

There really is no way out.

Take charge by tapping into your own personal strength and power.

Through 1 on 1 coaching, we will create a relationship which offers you a safe and accepting space to say exactly how you feel.

I will listen and reflect back what I’ve heard and point you towards what you want instead, exploring what’s important to you personally as a leader.

I will remind you of who you are when you’re at your best and show you how to take charge by tapping into this source of personal strength and power.

As a practising and certified professional coach, and a leader with nearly 20 years’ experience working within the business world, I know what it’s like to lose yourself within your job.

To strive for external success based on other people’s view of who you should be, hiding your feelings and being mindful of speaking out for fear of the consequences.

And every time you played the game, you lost a little bit more of your integrity.

This isn’t the way leadership needs to be. 

I want to help you re-discover your authentic self, become more aware of your values and what gives your career meaning.

I will then champion you to be fearless in becoming the best leader you can be, in all aspects of your life.  

in wonder coaching leadership development coaching

What to expect?

Rediscover your authentic self and be fearless in becoming the best leader you can be.

What will we cover?

Staying open and curious is at the heart of my coaching.

I want my clients to fully explore what leadership means to them and be willing to challenge their thinking on what it takes to be a great leader in today’s business world, whilst maintaining a sense of balance and personal fulfilment.

By the end of our coaching engagement, my aim is that you will be able to answer the following questions with honesty, integrity, and clarity.

Q) What is your definition of a great leader and how are you matching up?
  • Tapping into your inner knowing around leadership.
  • Being open and honest about how you’re measuring up.
Q) Where are you now and what are you aiming for?
  • Getting clear on the focus areas for the coaching and the outcomes you’d like to see including how you will measure success.
Q) What underpins your leadership style?
  • Exploring the personal values which drive you as a leader, how you know when you’re being true to them and course correcting when you’re off track.
Q) When you’re at your best as a leader, what is present? When you’re stuck, what is holding you back?
  • Discovering your unique skills, qualities, and attributes as a leader and how to tap into these when you need them most.
  • Deepening your awareness of your inner critic and how to control it.
Q) How can changing your mindset increase the options available?
  • Evaluating challenging situations and relationships from different perspectives to uncover new ways forward.
  • Taking charge of the problem, responding versus reacting from a place of conscious choice, strength, and clarity.
Q) How can increasing your awareness of what’s going on beneath the surface lead to more honest conversations with yourself and others?
  • Tackling those difficult emotions which permeate the workplace, often found in what is not being said for fear of hurting others or facing an unpleasant reaction.
Q) As a leader, why is it helpful and important to look inside yourself for the answers?
  • Learning to trust your own instinct and intuition more, recognising that you can’t always think your way out of a problem or rely on others to give you the answers.
in wonder coaching leadership development coaching

What does this investment in yourself cost?

My leadership development programme is £2,400.  This includes 12.5 hours of coaching and regular contact in between to support you throughout our engagement.

The rate for organisations is variable, please contact me directly to find out more.

Payment can either be made upfront or in monthly instalments, payable prior to our coaching sessions. 

For those clients, paying upfront, I offer a 5% discount on the total amount of the coaching engagement.

If you’re ready to get started, please schedule your free chemistry coaching call here.

Need more information?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below for more detail on how coaching works and what to expect.

Often times, leadership development coaching is reserved for Executives and Directors within organisations. However, I am of the firm belief that anyone can aspire to become a better leader. The insight and awareness coaching brings can equally benefit managers at the beginning of their career as well as senior managers who typically lead the largest teams and deliver the lion’s share of the work in most companies.

Any form of development and learning requires work and commitment if you want to see sustainable change. Organisations that value the growth of their people will often either fund the coaching or allow individuals to set time aside on a regular basis to invest in themselves, particularly if it leads to them being more successful in their roles. 

However, the key person who needs to prioritise themselves is you and if not now, when? Are you prepared to put up with the pain and frustration any longer?

As your coach, I will not divulge, either directly or indirectly, that we are in a relationship without your express permission, nor share any of the information we discuss during our coaching sessions.  

If your company has directly engaged my services and is sponsoring the coaching, we will discuss upfront the parameters of how we work together. This might include what has brought you to coaching, the number of sessions and payment terms. 

I will never share the content of what we discuss with your manager or anyone else in the organisation. Nor will I agree to achieving specific goals or outcomes set by your company as part of my fee structure.

My focus for the coaching will be on you as a person and through my support, you will tap into your own creativity and resourcefulness to find the solutions to your own problems. As such, any progress updates throughout the coaching or at the end of our engagement will be yours to share with your manager.

As a certified coach, I adhere to the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) code of ethics. For more detail, please visit ICF Code of Ethics – International Coaching Federation (

I understand that diaries can be busy and last-minute deadlines are a common occurrence in workplaces. If you need to change our session, I will ask you to provide 24 hours’ notice so we can reschedule to a mutually convenient time, ideally within a week. 

Where notice hasn’t been provided, I reserve the right to charge for this session.

If you miss multiple sessions, I will suggest we have a discussion to re-design how we are working together and if coaching is still right for you. If it is no longer working for you, I want you to feel empowered to discontinue our sessions according to the agreed notice period.

Any unused fees paid upfront will be reimbursed.

I do not offer face to face sessions at this time. 

I have found that my clients enjoy the flexibility of virtual coaching. They can also often feel less inhibited to try different approaches when they connect with me in a quiet, comfortable space where they can be themselves.

Not sure where to start?

If you’d like to discuss your specific needs in more detail and find out if coaching is right for you, please contact me to schedule a time for us to chat.